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標題: 關於X-Window  

UID 14
精華 0
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帖子 523
閱讀權限 200
註冊 2006-10-2
狀態 離線

X-Window(Not 『X-Windows』)是UNIX(Linux)世界中共通的使用者圖形界面,不同於Micrsoft Windows的是,Micrsoft Windows是一個『作業系統』,X-Window則是UNIX作業系統中的一個圖形『作業環境』,不僅如此,X-Window還是一個『跨平台的作業環境』,X Protocol則是X-Window跨越不同平台(主機)時的一個溝通協定。X-Window除了讓使用者界面更為『友善』,也讓機器之間,可以彼此分享圖形顯示(Graphic Display)。如果我們談起『讓A機器上執行程式所顯現的圖形,顯示在B機器的螢幕上』,對Microsoft Windows環境而言是難上加難或從未聽說,可是對於X-Window來說,卻是再自然不過的了,因為Client/Sver本來就是X-Window的特色。

X-Window in Linux
Linux中的X-Window,我們稱他為XFREE86,其中『86』指的是Intel x86。
Slackware中Disk Set 『X』、『XAP』、『XV』就是X-Windows相關的軟體,如果你在安裝過程中選擇了他們,你的X-Window即已安裝完成。不過這不代表你的X-Window可以用,你還要做一件很重要的事 – 設定你的X-Windows環境。(Configure X-Window)

X-Window Configure
Linux XFREE86的設定冗長而容易出錯,你必須回答一大堆關於硬體的問題,設定之前最好搞清楚你的電腦狀況,尤其是顯示卡的品牌與所用Chip。以下設定的例子假設你的電腦用的是一般15” Monitor,VGA卡為S3 Trio64V+ (With 1MB RAM),滑鼠為PS2 3-Button。

nmc:~# xf86config
This program will create a basic XF86Config file, based on menu selections you
Before continuing with this program, make sure you know the chipset and
amount of video memory on your video card. SuperProbe can help with this.
It is also helpful if you know what server you want to run.

Press enter to continue, or ctrl-c to abort.

Press 『ENTER』 to Continue


First specify a mouse protocol type. Choose one from the following list:

1. Microsoft compatible (2-button protocol)
2. Mouse Systems (3-button protocol)
3. Bus Mouse
4. PS/2 Mouse
5. Logitech Mouse (serial, old type, Logitech protocol)
6. Logitech MouseMan (Microsoft compatible)
7. …..

Enter a protocol number: 4

這是電腦滑鼠種類選擇,如果你實際使用的滑鼠為3-Buttons , serial port Mouse,你的選擇應該是『6』

Please answer the following question with either 'y' or 'n'.
Do you want to enable Emulate3Buttons? n


Mouse device: /dev/mouse

這是Linux中預設的Mouse device file。此處你也可以直接按下『Enter』,系統將會使用預設device file作為你的滑鼠裝置檔案。(UNIX中,所有外接裝置都是以檔案形態存在)

Please answer the following question with either 'y' or 'n'.
Do you want to use XKB? Y

Press enter to continue, or ctrl-c to abort. 『ENTER』

List of preconfigured keymaps:

1 Standard 101-key, US encoding

Enter a number to choose the keymap.

é這是電腦鍵盤選擇。『Standard 101-key, US encoding』的設定可以符合目前大多數電腦鍵盤種類的需求。

The valid range for horizontal sync and vertical sync should be documented
in the manual of your monitor. If in doubt, check the monitor database
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/Monitors to see if your monitor is there.

Press enter to continue, or ctrl-c to abort. 『ENTER』

hsync in kHz; monitor type with characteristic modes

5 31.5 - 37.9; Extended Super VGA, 800x600 @ 60 Hz, 640x480 @ 72 Hz
6 31.5 - 48.5; Non-Interlaced SVGA, 1024x768 @ 60 Hz, 800x600 @ 72 Hz
7 31.5 - 57.0; High Frequency SVGA, 1024x768 @ 70 Hz

11 Enter your own horizontal sync range

Enter your choice (1-11):6


You must indicate the vertical sync range of your monitor….

1 50-70
2 50-90
3 50-100
4 40-150
5 Enter your own vertical sync range

Enter your choice:2


You must now enter a few identification/description strings, namely an
identifier, a vendor name, and a model name. Just pressing enter will fill
in default names.

The strings are free-form, spaces are allowed.
Enter an identifier for your monitor definition: 『ENTER』
Enter the vendor name of your monitor:『ENTER』
Enter the model name of your monitor:『ENTER』

é設定銀幕代號。這個設定不會影響X-Window運作,你可以不回答。(Just Press Enter)

Now we must configure video card specific settings. …

Do you want to look at the card database? Y

452 S3 Trio32 (generic) S3 Trio32
453 S3 Trio3D Generic VGA
454 S3 Trio64 (generic) S3 Trio64
455 S3 Trio64V+ (generic) S3 Trio64V+
456 S3 Trio64V2 (generic) S3 Trio64V2

Enter a number to choose the corresponding card definition.
Press enter for the next page, q to continue configuration.

Your selected card definition:

Identifier: S3 Trio64V2 (generic)
Chipset: S3 Trio64V2
Server: XF86_S3
Do NOT probe clocks or use any Clocks line.

Press enter to continue, or ctrl-c to abort. 『ENTER』

é這是電腦顯示卡設定。你可從其中選取你電使用的顯示卡,以上的例子而言,我們選取的是S3 Trio64V2。

Now you must determine which server to run….

2 The XF86_VGA16 server. This is a 16-color VGA server that should work on
any VGA-compatible card.
3 The XF86_SVGA server. This is a 256 color SVGA server that supports
a number of SVGA chipsets. On some chipsets it is accelerated or
supports higher color depths.

These four server types correspond to the four different "Screen" sections in
XF86Config (vga2, vga16, svga, accel).

5 Choose the server from the card definition, XF86_S3.

Which one of these screen types do you intend to run by default (1-5)? 5

é這是X Server設定。我們可以說X Server就是顯示卡在X-Window中的『驅動程式』,他是一個程式,而且這個程式除了在此應正確設定外,你還須確定在安裝DISK SET 『X』時,確實以裝此一Server。如果你的X Server選擇不Work,可以在此試著選擇『2』或『3』。

Please answer the following question with either 'y' or 'n'.
Do you want me to set the symbolic link? y
Do you want to set it in /var/X11R6/bin? y

é產生X-Server的『符號鏈結』(Symbolic Link)。通常他是一個由 /usr/X11R6/bin/X指向實際X-Server所在的(如/usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA) 的檔案鏈結。

How much video memory do you have on your video card:

1 256K
2 512K
3 1024K
4 2048K
5 4096K
6 Other

Enter your choice: 5

é設定顯示卡記憶體(Vedio RAM)容量。如果你的顯示卡記憶體有8MB,你應選『6』,之後並填入數字『8192』。顯示卡記憶體大小決定你的X-Window可支援的解析度、色數及顯示畫面更新速度。

You must now enter a few identification/description strings, namely an
identifier, a vendor name, and a model name. Just pressing enter will fill
in default names (possibly from a card definition).

Your card definition is S3 Trio64V2 (generic).

The strings are free-form, spaces are allowed.
Enter an identifier for your video card definition: [ENTER]
You can simply press enter here if you have a generic card, or want to
describe your card with one string.
Enter the vendor name of your video card: [ENTER]
Enter the model (board) name of your video card: [ENTER]

The RAMDAC setting only applies to the S3, AGX, W32 servers….

1 AT&T 20C490 (S3 and AGX servers, ARK driver) att20c490
2 AT&T 20C498/21C498/22C498 (S3, autodetected) att20c498
12 STG-1703 (S3, autodetected) stg1703

Enter a number to choose the corresponding RAMDAC.
Press enter for the next page, q to quit without selection of a RAMDAC.


é除非你相當確定你的顯示卡上RAMDAC Chip型號(or What is RANDAC),並且符合選項中所列的型號,否則建議此處選擇『q』,讓系統幫你偵測。

A Clockchip line in the Device section forces the detection ….

1 Chrontel 8391 ch8391
12 IBM RGB 51x/52x (autodetected) ibm_rgb5xx

Just press enter if you don't want a Clockchip setting.
What Clockchip setting do you want (1-12)? [ENTER]


For most modern configurations, a Clocks line…


You must be root to be able to run X -probeonly now.

The card definition says to NOT probe clocks.
Do you want me to run 'X -probeonly' now? N

For each depth, a list of modes (resolutions) is defined. The default
resolution that the server will start-up with will be the first listed
mode that can be supported by the monitor and card.
Currently it is set to:

1 Change the modes for 8pp (256 colors)
5 The modes are OK, continue.

Enter your choice: 5

é這是解析度與色數(Color Depth)對應設定。X-Window啟動時,預設的色數是256色(8pp),解析度是640x480。

I am going to write the XF86Config file now. Make sure you don't accidently
overwrite a previously configured one.

Shall I write it to /etc/XF86Config? Y



1. startx
2. xinit
3. xdm
2009-10-20 18:22#1
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